Custom earplugs work instantly, and are outfitted to be extremely comfortable. You probably won’t even notice they’re in your ears, because they are made specifically to fit perfectly!
If you’ve ever used earplugs, you’re probably familiar with the cheap kind made of squishy, foam-like material. They work by compacting them with your fingers, placing them in your ear canal, and then they expand to take on the shape of your ear in order to block out noise. They are functional in most cases, of course; if you need them to sleep, in particular, they can be useful. However, custom fitted earplugs can be extremely beneficial, as well. Read on to find out how!
Great for Musicians and Technicians
If you need to listen closely to amplified music as your day job, custom fitted earplugs can be vital. Foam earplugs work for a short amount of time, but they do end up blocking certain frequencies rather than muting the sound on an even level. Sound technicians must be able to listen to the high and low pitched sounds of music in order to adjust the frequencies for a better sound quality. Musicians, in the same vein, can get thrown off by having certain frequencies completely blocked, while others stay muted. It’s also much more comfortable!
Comfort and Ease
After a while, disposable earplugs become uncomfortable, and they may fall out. They also take a few seconds to expand, meaning you cannot immediately start working until they do, and it’s possible they may do this incorrectly. Custom earplugs work instantly, and are outfitted to be extremely comfortable. You probably won’t even notice they’re in your ears, because they are made specifically to fit perfectly!
Turn Down Volume, Not Understanding
Foam earplugs can usually make it difficult to hear quieter sounds, such as human speech. This is because of the way they block frequencies; you will hear muffled and unclear sounds rather than gentler ones. However, custom earplugs can simply turn down the noise without muffling it. That way, you’ll have no trouble hearing sounds that aren’t as loud as amplified frequencies.
Bay Area Audiology provides top-notch custom fitted earplugs!
Ready to change the way you look at hearing loss? Our Doctor of Audiology, Dr. Trisha A. Bents Muth, is exceptionally experienced in the art of audiology, and is dedicated to providing the absolute best solutions. Bay Area Audiology has been working to give patients a comfortable environment, with thorough evaluations. We are independently owned, and unbiased when it comes to finding you the care you need.
You can always come into the office, or contact us in advance to set up an appointment. We also provide updates on our social media websites. You can check out our Facebook,Twitter,
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Don’t hesitate–we can help.